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LegaSea Circle

You can help ensure the ocean's grandeur and abundance will be there for generations to come by designating Oceana as a beneficiary in your will, trust, retirement account, donor advised fund or life insurance plan.

You can become a LegaSea Circle member at any stage in your life, and you can alter your bequest as your circumstances change.

Safeguard the ocean's splendor for future generations. Join the LegaSea Circle today.

LegaSea Circle Bequest Intention Form Required *

Commitment to Oceana

Yes, I want to safeguard the splendor of our oceans now, and for the future! Please select all that apply:

Donor Information

Estate Planning and Bequest Details

If you have already named Oceana as a beneficiary in your estate plan, please let us know so we can acknowledge your generosity.

Yes, I/We included a charitable bequest to Oceana in my/our estate plan through:

Please provide us with information that you are comfortable sharing. All details about your gift will remain strictly confidential. This form does not create a binding commitment or obligation.

Bequest Amount, Percentage, and Privacy Options

Who is the contact information for your estate?

How would you like to be recognized in Oceana's Annual Report and website for joining the LegaSea Circle?

Is there anything else you would like us to know about your bequest or would like more information on Oceana's campaigns?
